In the “Endgame” by Michael Grunwald it is a political nightmare for the Everglades, Florida and all those involved in politics.
When conservationists want to save the Everglades but the federal government wants to put a major airport at the edge of these Everglades, the political war began. At the time vice president Al Gore refused to “take a stand.” He stated that he would seek a balanced solution in which the environment would not be harmed and the economy would be helped. During the political war of finding a balance between saving the Everglades by having taxpayers spending $8 billion or allowing the major airport to be built on the edge of the Everglades, Gore wasn’t convinced that the airport was the main problem.
Every political race and every politician raises the promise of a greater and healthier environment. When the “issue” begins the politicians will gladly place the environment on the back burner for issues that are felt to be of more importance.
Florida state officials, economic interests and tribes fought to reduce the CERP’s importance on nature. However, once again, they all came together to encourage a restoration plan for the Everglades. During the Clinton administration, January 16, 2001, the announcement was to reject the airport. The Everglades were once again saved from possible ruin.
Grunwald stated, “The twentieth century had been an era of mess-making; the twenty-first century could be a time to clean up the messes.”
Yes, the Everglades were saved time and time again through a maze of political warfare. Will the next political wave of politicians bring environmental issues to the table? If so, what will they feel is more important and place our earth’s environment off to the side to be reviewed yet again at a later date?