In the National Geographic Strange Days on Planet Earth, Investigators have found that global changes are happening faster than any human being has ever experienced. Over 150 years ago, large predators such as mountain lions, wolves, and bison roamed Yellowstone National Park. The vegetation was in abundance. Researchers found that in the 1930’s the vegetation stopped producing and the large predators were disappearing. The reasoning was the last wolf was dead; as 100,000 were being killed in Montana and Wyoming alone during 1883 and 1917. In the 1970’s the wolf became an endanger species in the US. Biologist Doug Smith studied wolves and believes this could count for Yellowstone’s eroding river banks, missing forests, and reduction of animals. As a test 31 wolves were brought into the National Park. Over the years the wolves have increased to approximately 150 wolves in which they travel in 14 packs. He found that the large predators mean a lot to the eco system and it begins with the wolves kills. Off of the wolves kills it can serve 100’s. Due to the kill of an elk, it is even reshaping the landscape. Where the elk were eating all the aspens, willows and vegetation, the natural kill of the elk has allowed the vegetation to replenish itself.
Researchers have found that it is a revolving situation in which not only land is affected but so is the ocean. Ghana has become a land in which is devoid of life. Ghana had a reduction of large predators such as the leopards, hyenas, giant warthogs and lions. The oceans off of Ghana have been reduced of their fish. The Olive Baboons were becoming a vicious and aggressive animal often terrorizing farms and stock and the villagers. Fish that were available were much smaller in size than those years prior. Researchers found that there is a direct relationship. If fish is plentiful in supply then it is usually sold cheaply. If fish is scarce in supply then it is more expensive. When this happens the people of Ghana would resort to killing the wildlife to survive. This has affected all of coastal Africa.
National Geographic Strange Days on Planet Earth wants to know can we live with the large predators such as the wolf. However, can we live without them? That is a question we all need to ask ourselves.
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