Sunday, July 10, 2011

Field Trip #3 - part 2 - Timucuan Spanish Pond

6/12/2011 – Spanish Pond – Timucuan

                In the Timucuan area I came across the Spanish Pond walking trails. Totally by accident when I was looking for the other part of the field trip. This connects/intertwines to the Theodore Roosevelt Area.  I walked the trails for about 3 ½ miles and came across some spectacular views and interesting areas.  In the Theodore Roosevelt Area the Browne family lived in a two-story house that overlooked the marsh.  I came across the area that the Browne house once sat.  The Browne family lived off the land and the water, farming, commercial fishing, running a sawmill, and selling the oyster shells taken from Timucua Indian shell mounds. 

                The trails along Spanish Pond and Theodore Roosevelt Area wind thru a variety of habitats, including maritime hammocks, scrub vegetation, a freshwater swamp, and salt marsh.  There is a small wooden bridge that follows the trail that will lead to mounds of oyster shells that were left over from the Timucua Indians.  There were so many oyster shells that it was a sight to see.  I was amazed at how many there were.  You can tell most of them have been there for a really long time. 

                Speaking with another individual who was walking the trails I found out that it came out to an observation platform overlooking Round Marsh.  It was low tide so the marsh wasn’t high with water, but the view was beautiful.  I was able to see many of the mini crabs along the muddy portion of the marsh and view long legged storks.  I can't wait to go back when the tide is high as I would think the animal life would be very active. 

                This area shows that at one time individuals lived such a simpler life; one that included living off the land and the waterway that was so close.  It is a truely spectacular site to see. 

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